Friday, May 4, 2012

That's What I Thought

I picked Afton up at the church the other night.  It was a gorgeous evening, so I rolled the windows down.  The fresh air blew in and YUCK!  The smell of it was so disgusting!  That was my first clue.  Fresh air should not smell disgusting.

Then I felt scatter brained and overwhelmed for no identifiable reason.  I thought my thyroid medicine was wonky.

Then I felt like a 500 lb woman just trying to make it up the stairs. 

The last straw was the 15 minute bawl session I had on the freeway for no reason yesterday.  Nic had that little twinkle of fear in his eye.  That one that silently screams, "Oh my Heavens, WHAT did I marry?"

Sho' nuff.  I'm pregnant.


michelle said...

HOORAY! The world NEEDS more Larkin - your kids are too cute not to have more. Congratulations!

For the record, I read "brawl" session on the freeway and got a little nervous for you :)

kiki comin said...

SHUT THE HECK UP! ANGIE LARKIN. so happy for you. so not happy you are sick.let me know what you need.

Apryl said...

I'm so happy for you! Yay!

Apryl said...

I'm so happy for you! Yay!

Michelle said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!! I wish I could press fast forward on the next couple of months for you...but yay! :)

Kara said...

Such fabulous news! CONGRATS! Please let me know if I can help you with anything...I'm hoping and praying it will be not so awful this time.

Christene said...

Super excited for you Angie! Congratulations, Mama!

Mindy B said...

Whoop, whoop!! Congrats! :)

Lisa said...

Such great news, Angie!! I am so excited for you! :)

christina said...

CONGRATULATIONS! So exciting. How far along???

Kacey Nielsen said...

Best news all day.

Kacey Nielsen said...

Best news all day.

Telavian said...

WOW!!!!! I get the one bottle order now.
You are a brave, honorable woman.

Oh, I have the "what did I marry" moments too. :)


Anna said...

Congrats Angie! I love all your posts. Thanks for always inspiring me. Can we be better friends...seriously?! I want to hang out with you more! Serious. :)

Tiffany said...

Congratulations, Angie and Nic!

Nicole & Ammon said...

Yeah! Congratulations! That is awesome!

Mary said...

Hey there, just so happened to check your blog and I get this exciting news?!?!!????? CONGRATS!!!!!

A and N said...

Congrats! So happy for you guys!