An innocent little post. ALL I said on facebook was that I was cooking dinner and my husband was playing Taylor Swift songs on Evan's green recorder. What's the big deal, right? Well, he started receiving phone calls at work. Heckling phone calls that put into question his manliness. Impossible!
This morning I was singing in my best soul sista voice in the shower and Nic called me out. Oh yes he did :) How could I throw him under the bus like that? I made him look like he was some wood elf, skipping through the forest playing leprechaun songs on his pan flute! How could I fail to mention that he was working out the notes for Afton who was wanting to play a Taylor Swift song for the school talent show? (Because it wasn't as funny if I said it that way, but I didn't tell him that) Now his friends are calling him and questioning his manliness!
My sister has been threatening to post a video I made of myself in college called "Hot Dance Moves". Now Nic is behind her in this quest purely for revenge. So now I feel I need to call off the dogs by touting my husband's masculine qualities. Why do I feel like I might be more in trouble after this post? thing ever. Couple weeks ago we biffed it by miscalculating what time we needed to be at an important event. We were dying, writhing in embarrassment trying to work up the nerve to call and say basically "we suck". So I told Nic, "Just blame it on me. Tell them I screwed up." I'll never forget him looking over at me while driving with his one hand (sexy MANLY thing he does) and saying, "Babe, I would never throw you under the bus like that, never." MANLY!
It has taken me a LONG time to admit, but I'm pretty sure Nic is quite a bit smarter than me. It's pretty sexy. (Okay, this may not score manly points with the dudes, but I think it is awesome) I caught him up late one night watching calculus videos on You Tube....for fun.
This boy also feels the need to die apparently. Ever seen him on a motorcycle? Every time I see him ride I want to smack him or kiss him...can't tell which.
He is a different kind of guy. He read Twilight with me. He sings like an angel. He draws and paints. He does not watch ESPN every second of the day. But he's all man:) The most manly thing is that he mans up. He cares for his kids, is loyal to his wife and works his butt off for this family. It's all he cares about. He drives the older car to let his wife drive the nicer one. It's getting harder and harder to find a man like that. So no worries...I can smell his testosterone from here.
Angie it sounds like you have a good man. One that the other men in his life need to look up too. Especially if they are giving him a hard time about entertaining his kids. My husband got on the ground and played trains with my little one. Its those little things that make us love them more and realize what good men we have. To the outside world those things might not seem "manly" but they are!!
Ummm, can I just say EWWW! to that muscle man pic? DISGUSTING!
Nic sounds like a great guy. You are one lucky woman. :)
I fully second Lisa's comment on the picture--gross and icky! Gives me the heebie jeebies just looking at it!
I think a good husband has all sorts of "unmanly" qualities as the world would say. But it's that side that makes him a good husband. I'll count us both lucky for the fabulous men in our lives!
My very gay cross dressing neighbor once told me my husband was the "gayest straight man he's ever known".
Boys without a few feminite attributes are exhaustively boring. The occasionally girly men keep us on our toes!
ps. don't ever tell my husband I said this
(Sorry this got a little long) I've rewritten this a few times because I don't want anyone to confuse what I'm saying about Nic. In no way do I feel that Nic needs to hand in his man card. He can keep it safely tucked into his wallet. With that being said though, I have to say that he is certainly not a guy I could see scratching his backside and grunting over a gaping hole in the ground. Anyone who truly knows him will understand the post about the recorder and smile and shake their head, saying to themselves, "Yup that sounds like Nic!" He went on and on one day about how he could be a country music singer not only because he could sing well but because it was all about rhythms and patterns and that all you had to do was come up with a catchy pattern and you were in! That's just who he is. I don't dare use the word sensitive here but the boy IS touched by like what you said Ang, art, music, his children, his sweet woman! He sees things in a different light than most men would because they are blinded by their overly exaggerated obtuse masculinity! It amazes me that he is able to be touched that way considering he grew up with two brothers and a father who worked with his hands for a large portion of time but his mother must be an amazing woman to teach her son to be who he is and of course his wife must be an amazing woman to understand who he is as well. People don't realize that though this kind of type of manly man such as Nic, comes off a bit cocky (sorry Nic)it's often because they are well educated in many different area's (and maybe they ARE just a little bit cocky too!) However if you know someone like this, there typically is a Yin Yang going on inside of them. Here is a man that has emotional feelings and knows tenderness in life and is not so afraid of loosing his man card to show the tenderness to those around him who know him best and whom he can trust. In the worldly setting he must be the manly Nic to advance but at home he can be both sweet sided and manly Nic because he is accepted as both by his loving family. The cool thing about the Yin and Yang is that there is a small part of both worlds tucked into each opposite side to make a whole circle. One cannot exist without the other and one can not exist without a small portion of the other inside of it. Manly Nic would not exist without the sweet Nic as well. Nic you have every woman's permission to laminate that man card and display it proudly on the mantle, but don't be too upset with your wife for also proudly displaying sweet sided Nic to anyone and everyone because she's equally pleased and proud of both Yin and Yang!
Cyn, you get the prize for the longest comment ever! Rock on sista! Thanks for stopping by:)
Hubba Hubba! Love is so in the air after that post! Couldn't agree with ya more, it is so sexy to find a good man...and that you have done! I think the dogs are all gone :)
It takes a lot more manliness to change a poopy diaper or unstop a kitchen sink than it does to scratch your butt or crush soda cans with one hand. And, for the record, Nic, I read the facebook post in question and never once questioned your manliness!
Wow! sexy-sweet post. He IS a man because he's got the most important things down!
i've never doubted nic and his manliness! you are the MAN nic!
and that comment is the longest ever. congrats cindy!!!!!
You're a crack up! That picture is gross, and your husband is a total stud!
Well hello! Lovely post, made me look at Mr.Mimi in a new light too ;0)
Still laughing at your uncommissioned portrait post...happy lounging! x;)
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