Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cat Fight

I was in a sterile-like room with a shower cap and rubber gloves on. I was standing across from my sister. She's five years older than me and she looked ridiculous in her get- up too. We'd driven 45 minutes across town in the rain with a Stake Relief society president in the back seat to go can our beans, dry milk, rice...and anything else we would live on if "the big one" ever hits. I looked around the room. The other women were slightly pot-bellied like me from having babies. There were crows feet, eyes with day old mascara, outdated wedding rings, successful and not so successful attempts at being fashionable. Just a hodge-podge of Mormon women at the cannery.

I thought back to my days as a teenager. I thought I was so, so (did I mention so) so cool. I could barely breathe because of how awesome I thought I was. I laugh so hard now at what I thought made me like that. Clothes? Music? Boyfriends? Good report card? Lame. I was harmless, but so vain. LOL! I'd die if you could see in my head and understand how important I thought I was.

So standing there in the cannery with my sweats and plastic apron, I just started to giggle. Then that turned into laughing. Which turned into uncontrollable laughing which fetched me some wayward glances from the potato pearl posse. My sister said, "What's so funny?"

I laughed more and pointed to her shower cap and then at mine and back at hers. Then I skipped across the packing room and sang, "Wee! Let's go to the cannery!" My sister understood. We talked about being such fierce big haired teenagers with a world of hearts to break and now we are among the leagues of the unglamorous. I saw myself in the reflection of the squeaky clean windows. I was a pretty frumpy lookin' mamasita. Oh...a full circle moment.

Don't get me wrong. I love my life. I love my babies. I love my house that is sometimes clean and I love my bills getting paid on time. I love folding my laundry GAP style and vacuuming my car mats. I love God and singing and praying my guts out to be better. I love my life. It's just not a glamorous life. And the vain me sometimes misses the cocaine-like draw of pointless and meaningless attention. I's a fault. But this is my blog and I can talk about it if I want.

So, this morning while my husband was swishing with Scope, we had a conversation. In that conversation, I told him that all I require is his awe-like reverence for my womanliness. He choked on his mouthwash, getting some on his tie and told me the house wasn't big enough for my ego. For the most part though, he does give me the paparazzi attention I need. (I still want him to gush about how amazing I look when I'm pregnant...and how could I possibly give birth in such a fertility warrior way...and darn if I don't look downright RADIANT!) It's a work in progress.

I guess it is balancing the housewife with the diva in me that sometimes gets in a cat fight. So, I'll wear lipstick when I pick up my kindergartner, and I'll put perfumed lotion on before bed. I'll still use my thumbnails to scrape cereal off of two day old dirty bowls, and I'll doctor diaper rash with stinky creams. I'll sock away food storage because I love the prophet and will do what he says. I'll pray and sing and watch over the blessed rug rats at church in my new calling. I'll write because it's the only thing that is truly my own anymore. Somewhere in there, I hope I find homeostasis.

Ladies, we rock.


megan beals photography said...


Really loved this one, Angie.

i said...

reading that was the bright point of my rainy day!

oh to be so clever in describing the ho-hum! potato pearl possee??!! (i'm grinning still) love you!

The San Diego Mills said...

I don't think I've ever read a post of yours that I didn't completely love! What a cute lady you are! I think that every mother thinks about how things used to be, how cute they used to dress and the fellas that were interested in you, etc. I was just thinking this yesterday while looking at the pictures that Julie had posted from the UNLV days on her blog. However, I wouldn't trade being a mother and all the joy and the learning it has given me for any of that rubbish! Great post, as always!

Kara said...

You're really a bright spot in all our days Angie! Thanks for your excellent perspective and witty writing!

Karen said...

Oh Angie, that was great. I, too, was decked out in the shower cap, apron and gloves at the cannery today and have the hat hair to prove it. ;) I'm excited that you won the auction. We need to set up a time to take your pictures. :)

Stacie said...

You are one awesome diva!

You make me proud to be your friend.

Stacie said...

I miss you, too...

Anthony said...

That was a chocolate chip cookie after fasting. The most satisfying thing I've had all day.

Cyndi said...

I knew there was a reason you have the nickname GMA!!! I love you so much girl. Your honesty is so refreshing in a world where glamor is a must for some and for others we plucker along just trying to be the best we can be. It inspires hope that somewhere someone is watching us and is proud and pleased as punch with how we live our lives like the good LDS women we are! Thanks for the spark. Today you shine brighter than the sun. (Sorry I know it's cloudy and stormy. I didn't mean it like that!)

mimilove forever said...

Hello! Glad to make your your writing style.. and this fantastic post rings SO many bells with me! x:)
(And thank YOU again!)

Mary said...

...and don't you hate how the shower like cap and plastic apron and gloves make you sweat!

I'm understanding!!!!!