Friday, January 29, 2010

It is what it is

I'm rarely primped and coiffed by kindergarten drop off time. On a normal day I am woken by Jemma before the sun comes up. I moan. Nic goes and gets her and potato sacks her to me. I nurse her and try to sleep. Afton then wakes up at an unholy hour and comes and stares at me. I can hear her breathing through her nose. I can feel her breath on my face. I pretend to sleep. I'm getting pretty good at the subtle fake snore and at not squinting my eyes. Once Jemma starts whispering "ta- ta" and "dee- dee", I know my gig is up. Soon will come the face patting, nose pinching and head butting. Rise and shine.

My mom always tells me that there are keys to successful mommyhood. A couple of these keys include doing at least one load of laundry a day and getting up way before your kids do. I know it's possible because I see the other moms at school show up with a fresh blow-out or damp pony tails. They manage somehow.

I pour cereal and gather backpacks in my p.j.'s. I dress and comb and herd children from room to room. "Did you go pee pee?" "Did you eat all your food?" "Uh-oh, we only have ten more minutes" "You can't wear your snow-suit". "No, you don't need your snow boots." "Yes, I promise you Friday is and has always been a school day".

Two minutes before departure, I take the stairs two at a time and find my clothes that are rumpled accordian style on the floor next to my bed. Exactly where I left them the night before. I always have a fleeting thought of, will the moms notice this is what I wore yesterday? As an afterthought I pull Nic's hoodie we bought on our honeymoon off of a hanger and throw it over yesterday's shirt. Perfect disguise! I look in the mirror and use my knuckles to scrape yesterday's mascara crumbs out from under my eyes. I tell myself, "I gotta get up earlier!"

Drop off, kisses, waves, "See you in a couple hours!" "Run! Don't look back!"

When I got home this morning, Jemma was ready for her nap. I took her upstairs and rocked her. I know when she is asleep because she breaks into a sweat just like her dad. This morning's sleep sweat warmed up her face, turned her cheeks pink and made her smell of the maple syrup I hadn't cleaned off of her face yet. I layed her in her bed. One of her legs had escaped her jammies and was hanging bare outside of the yellow flowered terry cloth. That image was a metaphor for my mom-ness...Everything is fine, people are happy, but nothing will ever be put together perfectly! Amen.


Lisa said...

I tell ya, getting ready on school days is NO FUN! If I want to look decent I have to wake up before the kids do. When that doesn't happen, I'm rushing around the entire morning.

I think this is my first comment on your blog, but I've been reading it for awhile. I LOVE your posts. You're a great storyteller! :)

A and N said...

We just found your blog! It's so fun to see what's going on with some of our family back west! I really love reading your posts- Nicole (Alan's wife)

Salena said...

Love it! I am one of those moms who are most of the time showered and makeup (fresh) :) But lately there have been a few more days like yours described. My kids get up before the sun too and run and scream and play in my tinny house. How dare we think of sleeping. I love how you always find the sweet moments and appreciate them. It reminds me to do the same. Childhood goes by too fast. Keep up the good work Super Mom!

Christene said...

I totally feel you, sister! I am only ever mostly ready before the kids have to go to school if I have a doctor appointment right after drop off. And then there's usually some manner of grumbling...from me. Ha ha. I love this time in our lives. I keep thinking, one day, we will have it all together when all the chaos has calmed down and kids are more grown up. But where's the fun? These are the best days ever.

Stacie said...


lilsusha said...


Tiff said...

Sometimes I sleep in sweats so I won't have to change before I leave the house... I have learned to LOVE hats, pony tails, and Victoria Secret body mist! I will never get up earlier than it takes me to get my girls dressed, fed, teeth brushed, backpacks packed and out the door - thats just my nature I guess. I see my mommy friends out and about later in the day and they don't even recognize me... but I don't recognize them either, as I usually haven't put in my contacts. ;) Love your blog, you need to write a book... I will be your first buyer, but I want it signed!

Angie Larkin said...

Ahh! Tiff...who are you? I must know! Sorry if I am so dense I can't put two and two together...I couldn't find you :(

Angie Larkin said...

Never mind...Tiff Johnson right? Ha! I never see you, so you were in the long term RAM of my took me a minute to realize what Tiff I knew with girs:) Got it.

Lafantasma said...

Oh Angie, this is so true. This is a beautiful post. I can be either lady, depending on my mood. Your posts are always so honest and yet optimistic. I think you could give Nie a run for her money on celebrating motherhood blogs. :) Yours is just as good.

Vanessa said...

I LOVE reading your blog. :)

"M" Clan said...

I love you I love you I love you! Laughing out loud as I sit in my sweats, just put my kids to bed tripping over toys going both in and out of their room, yet thankful at the end of the day that they are mine and this is my life! You Rock Miss Angie xoxo

Michelle said...

I so badly long to be one of those put together people that wakes up and gets ready for the day before the kidlets wake, but it's just not happening any time soon. And seriously, what mom doesn't feign sleep just to prolong those last few savory moments of sleepy morning bliss?
Angie, you make me feel like I am okay. Thank you!

Cyndi said...

I would say it gets easier and for me it did but alas I only have one and she is starting to do a lot for herself. Yesterday she was up, dressed and starting to make toast when my alarm went off for the second time. Amazing! For you dear GMA I cannot guarantee that it will get easier the way it did for me but I wish you the best of luck. Isn't this life great!

mimilove forever said...

I usually end up with one leg out of my jama's too... feel ready for a nap myself now...lovely post! x:)

(and big THANK YOU!!!! you and the kiddiewinks, hope you all enjoy them)
Love to you all

Mary said...

We have afternoon kindergarten and there are still days I go in my's good to know I'm not alone....