A couple of years ago my neighbor who is disabled, unexpectedly died in his condo and nobody knew for a few days. How's that for a cheerful post eh? Anyway, a few days after he died I caught two bored boys kicking the crud out of the cactus outside my neighbor's house. They had completely destroyed it and huge hunks of the plant were strewn everywhere. It was a mammoth cactus that I'm sure took at least a decade to grow that big. I was so sad. I made those boys pick up every piece with their bare hands and throw it in the dumpster or else I would drag them over to their mom's house by their neck hair and tell on them. They did it...(moaning and wincing all the way). But the mangled stump has been a sad little sight for the last two years.
Well...NOT ANYMORE!! I just noticed that spring has kissed that cactus with a breath of life and it is budding out like crazy! It even is full of blossoms that I have never seen in the seven years I've lived here. There was also a bee on that blossom enjoying the new growth. Hooray for life's little victories!
What a beautiful cactus...I love the contrast in nature that a cactus displays. The beauty amidst the thorns. I should write a song about it. I'll call it "The Cactus." I do remember it's sad state. I'm glad it is thriving!
I had to move away from the desert to truly love desert greenery. I am totally mesmerized by the bright colors desert plants produce. Shades of fuschia, yellow, red & orange are the untainted palette of God.
Hi Angie!
Did you find a copy of the Peacegiver, because I'm still looking for mine to lend you. j/k
You are a cute and happy family and I'm going to be a Larkin Family Blog subscriber!
I saw you at the stake program when I stood up to sing. I had to look away because if I looked at you for too long I would cry. I couldn't look at the sisters in my ward either because my heart is swollen with love for them. So to avoid crying due to the overwhelming Spirit you feel when you are bearing your testimony through song, I had to look at complete strangers. I just want you to know that you are a very good and edifying example to me. I enjoy your company, your sweet spirit, and I look forward to knowing you better.
I think it was Einstein who said that the world could not go on existing without bees. I have thought so much about that statement and have had such a different feeling for bees since then. I appreciated what they do on a whole other level. What amazing creatures.
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